The Rich Man!

The image is a prompt from Magpie Tales
I looked in the mirror but I saw not me,
For even I did not want to look back at me!
A cold shiver went up my spine,
Down fell the glass of expensive Wine...
I was rich and unloved,
But many hated me!
I ruled and governed,
But was never free...
I loved my kids,
but they din't love me back,
I loved my the riches,
But they mostly stayed in a bank...
I had no time to Love,
I had no time to Live,
I had no times for life's
joys so exclusive...
For I was obsessed with my deep pockets,
with my corrupt huge business,
My political prowess...
And a cold fear touched my heart,
For then I knew,
that none loved me and hated me too

Also shared with Magpie Tales: Mag 224 


  1. It's true that one may have riches but no time to enjoy ..:)

    1. a lot of people these days do!! its really sad!!

  2. I am feeling a bit sorry for him ....

  3. Alas a story told way to often... I get a little bit of vibes from Dorian Gray here...

    1. dorian gray!! yess the eternal beauty ... yet none...

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  5. Perhaps if he gave all his riches away he hay be able to face himself ~ Eddie

    1. its not the riches which corrupt its mostly just the greed of the person ... he'd have to look within himself to change anything in his life... but yes mayb the greed WOULD be less if he gave away the riches!! :)

  6. Money doesn't buy happiness.... Poor, sad man....

  7. haha...I hope this is not you arushi :P good one

  8. I thought Dorian Gray here too...nice write...

    1. I recently read Dorian Grey after being told so !! thank u :)


So much time I spent writing this... Leave me here the words on your lips!!