
The Ecstacy Of Flight...

B737 sim and me!! :)
Ah well... "There is no limit to the joy of flight...."
Those words, while they may seem inconsequential to a casual reader, I entreat upon everyone to read those words more carefully... there IS no limit to the joy of flying...
4th day of the Year 2010 at 2200hrs I flew once more after 15 whole months ... At this point when I held the control column of the huge aircraft in my hands a second time afresh and landed her I for the first time realized how much I had missed this... Two years back when I had flown for the first time the realization of a loss or depravity had been eliminated, for then I had not known at all what flying was about. But now when I got back I realized how much this was a part of me... how much I had missed this... how much this had been pushed back in my head as a consequence of the innumerable things happening, short term aims in life, the fast moving rush and crowd of a new and busy city!
The pleasure of being in control of that huge machine, the pleasure of handling her, the pleasure of the knowledge that she was zooming across the skies at speeds of 300 knots cutting through the very clouds whose kingdom these huge vast skies were... Its a joy in you that has been leashed in a long time and it knows no bounds...
My big machine was new to my unskilled hands and it wasn't the best I had performed but it was more than just memorable... it was unforgettable... 0300 hrs in the morning I returned to my room after four hours of continuous flying, but surprisingly I was not tired... At least not enough to make me want to doze off before I had told all my friends that I was flying again!
I slept at 0500 am that morning happy like an idiot.
And this was only a simulated flight. I was already dreaming of my actual flights that night.
For those of you who are flying here is a message- Don't ever leave flying! Don't EVER regret having done this. What you have achieved 90 percent of the world cant even dream about... It's the most awesome feeling... :)


  1. pilots r 1 percent population of the earth....but sum of em don leave it by dere choice.........can feel the adrenaline rush u would hav gone through aftr holding those control coloumns

  2. i agree..feeling of flying is next to god....u write well..read your blogs...go write a book..enjoy

  3. PAPA, most tell it is dad but i tell PA..PA (hindi word). So you got in first love with flying. It is good keep it up and never loose an eye from your first lover-fly passion. Be a master of it and master it well. good luck my child
    I am proud of your writing skill. Do start writing in magagines/paper some article or your opinon

  4. "And this was only a simulated flight. I was already dreaming of my actual flights that night."
    nice..love the zeal and the motivation

    "For those of you who are flying here is a message-Dont ever leave flying. Don't EVER regret having done this. What you have achieved 90 percent of the world cant even dream about... It's the most awesome feeling... :)"
    that's the spirit.. way to go captain!!

  5. Yeha!! thank u!! :D
    dat is precious i knw!! :))

  6. Wow Arushi...I am so very excited to read: "Captain Arushi" you have elevated yourself on new frontier of career achievements and "Boldly go where no one has gone before"...
    I can only imagine your excitement...my best wishes for a very exciting career ahead...and yes, a very happy Birthday!!

  7. through my busy but yet lazy day..
    as I sat in front of the machine with no hope of going further than a mail update...I saw your mail to read your Blog...i got attached to it immediately...and as I read on,I realised yet again the beauty of our profession...
    keep writing.

  8. So true... I was enlightened by the same realization on the 8th day of August 2010.

    You write really well. God bless.
    Rahul T.


So much time I spent writing this... Leave me here the words on your lips!!