

Too much work! :(

Today is a ordinary gloomy day,
The sky is cast, the sun is veiled,
I am hopeless, clueless, with nothing to do,
I scribbled many a poems and gibberish too,
And yet the soggy past hangs in front of my eyes,
The future seemed to loop ceaselessly by,
My present repeats itself every single day,
I am bored, strung out, unhappy, in dismay...
The music disheartening, the lyrics seem silly,
The gym is tiring, the walk too lonely,
The food unpleasing, hunger seems dead,
The white covers of the room colourless and drab!

I miss my mother's fruit custard pie,
My father's melodious car ride,
My hubby's hearty breathtaking embrace,
The house full of flowery decor and lace.
My mother constantly scolding me,
My father watching football on TV,
Or Mr. Husband trashing the house around,
While I find something dirty to freak about!
Fighting over the TV remote too much,
Arguing over what to cook for lunch,
Running amok in search of the phone,
Lost in some corner, unnoticed unknown!

I sit alone in the hotel room,
Its quite and peaceful, not a moan,
The custard is too perfectly served,
Decorated, yet not enough!
The football game is of course ignored,
As I watch some random comedy show,
For no one fights for the remote,
Its just me me all alone,
In the stark white perfect uncluttered room,
No one to mess the perfect gloom,
As I sit and stare at my phone
Waiting for a call from my faraway home!

Shared with Poetry Jam!


  1. oh the loneliness in this is palpable...its funny, what can be chaos when we are in it...is what we miss when we are away...i used to travel quite a bit and had to be away from fam...so i know this feeling....

    1. im bored in this hotel Brian!! what to do!! :(

  2. homesickness weaved in this poem superbly

    India In Danger?

  3. i recall the cold of hotel rooms when away from the mundane chaos of home. the irony of distance sometimes brings one emotionally closer. you said it well in highlighting the little things irritating yet greatly missed when away.

    good write, mi amiga


  4. By missing an ordinary day you've beautifully highlighted the blessings of it...or may be to be away from family is your job's demand...aww...that would be sad...nice lines:)

    1. it is sumana sadly!! but hopefully not for long! thank you!

  5. You did a great job of describing the ordinary and the little things that can irritate us. And yet how we miss them when we are far and then it is the perfection of the new surroundings that becomes the irritating element.

  6. And yet the soggy past hangs in front of my eyes,
    The future seemed to loop ceaselessly by,
    My present repeats itself every single day..

    You have captured that sense of being caught in a paradigm beyond the control of the individual. Also these words sound like they could easily be set to music.

  7. It's times like these we miss the ordinary the most... and realize how extraordinary our life really is.

  8. Longing for the ordinary chaos is good medicine every now and then! You draw homesickness beautifully as the hours away draw on. How much there is to be thankful for.

    1. too much susan!! i am actually homesick so just came up!! :(

  9. Lovely. The ordinary things of daily life do become quite special when viewed from the silence of the faraway room! I like the way you put these stanzas together. I'd be thinking of that custard pie too! Thanks for linking this.

  10. When you are taken away from what's ordinary for you, and are plunged into the ordinary of others, it is an uncomfortable feeling.

    1. true that donna! thank you for stopping by!

  11. I do think that when we are away from home for some time we come to really appreciate things that our life has...even if sometimes we have complained about them in the past. The familiar ordinariness of our routine cannot be replicated in a hotel room! Nice share here, Arushi.

    1. mary i love the cribbing at home.. here in the hotels it just makes me angry!!

  12. Luv how you contrast the perfect against your ordinary chaos, have a nice Wednesday

    Much love...

  13. I agree...palpable loneliness...you capture the stark contrasts of this home togetherness and this far-away alone so well.

  14. Love the stark contrast between the jumble of home life and the sterile hotel room....so well done.

  15. It is difficult working away from home. At least you have your poetry to keep you occupied.

  16. Everything that makes a day so ordinary becomes gold when it is absent. Beautifully poignant.

  17. love this you have captured the ordinary perfectly

  18. Some things you have beautifully described that happen in our daily life, we hardly notice. And miss them like hell when they are far away to occur.

  19. I love how you mix the annoying, mundane details of everyday life with the longing for it while you're away. Very clever.

  20. The noise cad clutter and latter of life is is missed we
    Hen you do not have it

  21. You know what they say - there's no place like home!

  22. ah..how much we miss home when we are away..so sweet Arushi loved it:)


So much time I spent writing this... Leave me here the words on your lips!!