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In a realm of denied truth,
Whizzing past the unreal,
All else failed in it's benign wake,
Nature has made a deal,
To slowly disintegrate,
And fall into nothingness,
To mutilate and fall apart,
In chaotic dizziness,
Whirling in slow motions,
Crisscrossing the random paths,
Unknown and secretively,
Helpless in chaos!

Slowly rising it may seem,
But only to fall,
For what started with evolution,
Must end after all!

Whizzing past the unreal,
All else has failed,
In the realm of denied truth,
Nature has bailed!

Written for Open Link Monday at Imaginary Garden With Real Toads!


  1. Arushi, this tells it like it is, vey well. Mother Nature is a master at designing "planned obscellence." The U.S. engineers and marketing folk invented that, I do believe.
    BTW, we booked but hadn't paid for a cruise from Dubai to Cape Town. We did that last week but let it lapse by not paying before the waiting time expired. Maybe next year.

    1. Oh i wish ud madeit through Jim... Dubai is beautiful city... even more so the cruise is what sounded exciting than ever...

  2. There is a parallel story of the reality and what we might be able to do to avoid the destiny of chaos.. but it seems a chaotic future is ahead of us.

    1. Entropy is natures law... maybe a way to settle in ...

  3. Without man she'll be fine, I think.

    1. oh, i hope nature doesn't bail... guess something needs to be done

    2. True that george..
      I hope so too Wolfrose...

  4. This really speaks to me. It's a truth most won't speak. Not personal. The line "nature has a made a deal" and the few that follow are very strong.

  5. Unfortunately, I feel that I too am falling apart! Part of nature, I guess. Thanks. k.

  6. I rely on nature reclaiming its own.

    Nature has made a deal,
    To slowly disintegrate,
    And fall into nothingness....

    Excellently expressed.

  7. In my beginning is my end' TSEliot' beautiful thoughts cleverly woven from chaos to evolution and back again but there is a Heaven....There is Everything in Nothing'


So much time I spent writing this... Leave me here the words on your lips!!